Boat docked in the Mekong River.Staring in the sun as it begins to set over the Mekong River.Looking through palms and banana trees at the Mekong River.Steps leading up to the top of Chomsy Hill.The Mekong River seen from the top of Chomsy Hill.Luang Prabang seen from the top of the hill.The Buddhist stupa in Wat Chom Si.The Nam Khan River and Luang Prabang seen from Chomsy Hill.Reclining Buddha statue in Wat Tham Phou Si.Statues of Buddha and his followers in Wat Tham Phou Si.The cave shrine in Wat Tham Phou Si.Statue with murals behind it in Wat Tham Phou Si.The stone stupa in Wat Visoun.Vipassana temple in Wat Phonh Phao.Inside the first level of Vipassana temple.Horrific depictions of hell found on the walls inside Vipassana temple.The third level in Vipassana temple.The fifth and topmost level in Vipassana temple.Haw Pha Bang temple in the Royal Palace’s grounds.The Royal Palace (also known as “Haw Kham”).Street in Luang Prabang.Historic building and car in Luang Prabang.The main hall in Wat Sensoukharam.Young monks making an airplane effigy in preparation for a Buddhist festival.Rice cakes drying outside.Design on the side of one of the shrines in Wat Xieng Toung.Inside one of the shrines in Wat Xieng Toung.Dragon effigy left over from some previous Buddhist festival.Buddha statue underneath a shelter at Wat Xieng Toung.The main temple hall at Wat Xieng Toung.Inside the main temple hall.Closeup of the Buddha statue inside the main hall.Wat Sensoukharam.Historic building in Luang Prabang.More historic buildings.Intersection in Luang Prabang.Locals setting up for the night market.Dinner of sticky rice, steamed rice, Lao Green Curry, and Laap (minced meat with herbs and spices).Ginger root black wine.Street in Luang Prabang.The first tier encountered of Kuang Si Waterfalls.Side view of the waterfall.Second tier of the waterfalls.Side stream in the jungle.Picnic tables standing in the water.Another part of Kuang Si Waterfalls.A mill (that no longer spins) in the stream.The main attraction of Kuang Si Waterfalls.A “Porcelain Rose” (i.e. flower from an etlingera elatior plant; also known as “Ginger Flower” and many other colorful names.The main waterfall at Kuang Si Waterfalls, seen from the other side of the stream.Another view of the waterfall.Photo of the waterfall taken with my neutral density filter.Monks walking along the sidewalk to receive alms early in the morning in Luang Prabang.Locals sitting and waiting to give food to the monks.Monks receiving food from the locals during the Alms Ceremony.Closeup of the monks receiving food from the locals.Kneeling woman giving food to a monk during the Alms Ceremony.Monks lined up on the sidewalk during the Alms Ceremony.The mountainous Laotian countryside.The Laotian countryside with the road visible in the distance.Vang Vieng seen from the hotel roof.Another overview of Vang Vieng.The Nam Song River.Boats at one of the access points to the Nam Song River.Vang Vieng at sunset.Laos National Museum.Stone jar from the Plain of Jars.That Dam (the “Black Stupa”).temple rooftop in Wat Si Saket.Another temple rooftop in Wat Si Saket.Buddhist statue in Wat Si Saket.The Mekong River, with Thailand on the other side.Statue of King Chao Anouvong.The Presidential Palace in Vientiane.Smoky street inside a market in Vientiane.Three Laotian beers I took back to my room – I nailed them.Patuxai (the “Victory Gate”).Another view of Patuxai.Underneath Patuxai.Shops inside one of the levels in Patuxai.View from the top-level of the Patuxai monument.Patuxai seen from the water fountain in the park.The World Peace Gong.Pha That Luang.Temple nearby Pha That Luang.Buddha statue near a Bodhi tree transplanted from India.Closeup, corner view of Pha That Luang.Inside one of the open halls near Pha That Luang.Murals in the open hall.Golden, reclining Buddha.The reclining Buddha with Pha That Luang in the background.Large hall near Pha That Luang.Inside the large hall.Large reclining Buddha in Buddha Park.Strange and very tall statue found in Buddha Park.Another very strange sculpted creation in Buddha Park.Another statue found in the park.Statue of an archer.Giant pumpkin sculpture that visitors can enter in to (there are three levels inside) and come out on top of.Looking through the mouth entrance of the large pumpkin sculpture.View of Buddha Park from on top of the pumpkin sculpture.My dinner of Lao-style spicy stir-fried minced duck, deep-fried stuffed chicken wrapped in Pandanus leaf, and shrimp mousse with sugarcane in red curry – all very well presented.