June 11, 2015

Zagreb, Croatia

Well, today was one of the laziest days I’ve had since I started traveling; I woke up after 08:00, stayed in bed, finally got up to shower, dressed, drank a carton of juice I had bought the previous day, and . . . then decided to lay down in bed again. I was just too tired to make it anywhere in Zagreb; I had considered going to Medvedgrad (a medieval fortified town located on the south slopes of Medvednica mountain) or possibly to Jarun lake, but my body demanded rest and I thought of nothing more pleasing than just lying in bed throughout the majority of the day. So, I returned to bed and slept on and off for the next four or five hours. Finally, around 17:00, I woke up and eventually got out of bed. After 18:00, I got ready, walked to the local supermarket, bought some strawberries, cheese, beer, and wine, and then walked to the pizzeria and ordered my dinner to go. Once back at the hostel, I ate my pizza (topped with cherry tomatoes, arugula, ham, prosciutto, and a cream cheese) and drank my beer whilst watching music videos. Later on, I brought my laptop down to the common room and reserved hostel/hotel rooms for the next three legs of my journey; I also bought a ticket for La Tomatina and planned for several other events I plan on participating in. During this time, I watched some more of VH1 Classic, drank my wine (a Croatian red wine made from Frankovka grapes that tasted like pepper, cherries, and raspberries), ate my strawberries and cheese, and relaxed. I also made sure to update the website and write today’s short journal entry. Finally, I went to sleep after 02:00.

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An open journal or an exercise in narcissism.