January 22, 2015

Axum, Ethiopia

I woke up today, checked my emails, and got to work on some more college applications. I was originally going to hike up Bete Giorgis and see more of the Ethiopian countryside, but work needed to be done; so I spent the entire morning with college applications. In the afternoon I studied bullfighting and went through all the different terms associated with the sport in preparation for the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona. It was now past 16:00 and I had been in the hotel all day; so not much happened. Eventually, I went out to dinner (to the same hotel restaurant I had eaten at on the 20th), had a tuna pizza (disappointing that pizza was all that was offered on this menu, but at least its pizza) and beer, and I started reading Hemingway’s ‘The Dangerous Summer’. After dinner, I walked back to my hotel and eventually went to sleep. Pretty uneventful.

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An open journal or an exercise in narcissism.