February 08, 2015

Larnaca, Cyprus

Statue of Kition.
Bust of Kimon the Athenian.
The Church of St. Lazarus.
The Church of St. Lazarus.
Larnaca Grand Mosque.
Larnaca Grand Mosque.
Stuffed vine leaves.
Stuffed vine leaves.
Moussaka with a salad and baked potato.
Moussaka with a salad and baked potato.
Keo beer, produced in Cyprus.
Keo beer, produced in Cyprus.

After having too much wine last night, I woke up late. I was originally planning on going to Nicosia today, but could not get out of bed early enough. When I finally did break through the sheets and stand up, I showered, dressed, and then relaxed in my hotel room some more. At 12:20, I exited the hotel in search for some good food. I walked along the beach, northward, and past the Castle of Larnaca. I didn’t see anything that caught my eye and the prices were high; so I walked around some more, passing by the Church of St. Lazarus and many other buildings and streets I had walked by yesterday (including the Larnaca Grand Mosque, which was originally a Catholic Church built in the fourteenth-century by the Lusignan rulers of Cyprus; the church was then converted in to a mosque not long after the Ottoman Turks conquered Cyprus in 1571 AD). I then settled on a restaurant at about 13:30 and had stuffed vine leaves, moussaka, a baked potato, salad, bread, and some Cypriot (Keo) beer. After that mega feast, I walked back to the hotel on the Foinikoudes Promenade. After returning to my hotel room, I relaxed, watched television, and uploaded many photographs on to my website. After 19:00, I decided to find a place to eat dinner, so I left the hotel and walked south to Mackenzie Beach; I didn’t find anything that I liked and I’m still having trouble adjusting to western prices (Asian food was so much cheaper and realistic); so I walked north toward Foinikoudes Beach. I finally settled on a restaurant and entered inside; the final game of the African Cup was playing on the television and the South African manager and an Australian customer were watching the game; I then ordered Italian nachos (made with sausage bits), pork medallions marinated in Commandaria wine sauce, hash brown with onions, and beer (all cooked by the English chef). It was a full meal and it took a while to eat since I was busy talking with the Aussie and (after the Aussie left to pick up the “wifey”) the English chef. After dinner, I returned to my hotel (after buying snacks) and had more Cypriot beer (Keo again) and some chocolate. I finally went to sleep after 01:00.

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