August 18, 2015

Marrakesh, Morocco

I woke up today around noon and did not feel like doing anything in the sun. So, I showered and then stayed holed up in my room most of the day as I worked on updating the website (I still had a lot of photographs to type descriptions for from my journey through Italy, San Marino, Monaco, France, Andorra, Spain, and Portugal – I had gotten pretty far behind thanks to so much to see in Western Europe, a lot of drinking, and sheer laziness due to exhaustion). As I worked, I noticed that the gastrointestinal illness I had picked up in Fes never really left my body (it was only momentarily subdued thanks to the drugs I had bought and taken in Rabat). Also, I drank the water I had bought yesterday from the hotel. I ended up working all the way through the night and never went out to eat. On the plus side, I did manage to go through a good chunk of my photographs and update a lot of the website. Eventually, I called it a day and went to sleep around 03:00.

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An open journal or an exercise in narcissism.