Parroquia Ortodoxa Rusa de Asunción (“Russian Orthodox Church”) in Asunción.Banco Nacional de Fomento.Plaza de la Democracia.Plaza Juan E. O’Leary.Panteón Nacional de los Héroes (“National Pantheon of Heroes”), a building that contains the remains of heroes from throughout Paraguayan history – located in Plaza de los Héroes.Color guard retiring the flag outside of the National Pantheon of Heroes for the day.Inside the National Pantheon of Heroes, which was built in 1936 AD.Dome ceiling inside the National Pantheon of Heroes.Caskets containing the remains of the honored dead.Exterior of the National Pantheon of Heroes.Ministerio de Hacienda – the Treasury building.Bust of Simón Bolívar in Plaza Juan de Zalazar.Statue of Juan de Salazar y Espinoza, who was a Spanish explorer and founder of the city of Asunción – located in Plaza Juan de Zalazar.Centro Cultural de la República (“Cultural Center of the Republic”).Monument to Man’s Best Friend – a dog statue found in Plaza de la Constitución.At the steps of Asunción Cathedral.Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” – located right next to the Cathedral.Madre de Ciudades Monument in the center of Plaza de Armas.Palacio Legislativo (“Legislative Palace”) of Paraguay.Entrance to Palacio de López, seen from Paraguayo Independiente street.“Asunción” sign with the Palacio de López behind it.Playa de Asunción (“Asunción Beach”) on the bay, north of the city center.Monument erected in 2017 AD that commemorates sixty years of diplomatic relations between Paraguay and the Republic of China (Taiwan).Fulgencio Ricardo Moreno street, seen near sunset.Public rubbish basket fixed to the pavement, found along the sidewalk in Asunción – I guess it keeps people from stealing or knocking them over.Unusual design for a children’s slide and swing-set, found in Plaza Uruguaya.Estacion Plaza Uruguay – the disused train station adjacent to the plaza.Looking down Nuestra Señora de la Asunción street in the evening.Painting on tiles that depicts what Asunción looked like in the early 19th-century AD, when independence was declared – displayed inside Casa de la Independencia, which now hosts the Independence House Museum.‘Summons to Governor Velasco’ by Guillermo Da Re (1907 AD).Blunderbuss from the 19th-century AD.Mate bombilla, made from gold and silver (18th-century AD).“Luxury Room” inside the Independence House Museum.Bedroom inside the Independence House Museum.Wooden sculpture of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, which had stood in one of the Jesuit Missionaries in Paraguay (originally carved in the 18th-century AD).Chapter Hall inside the Independence House Museum, where Paraguay declared its independence.Reproduction of a painting of Emperor Carlos V, who oversaw the Spanish colonization of the Americas during his reign from 1519 to 1556 AD – Asunción was founded on 15 August 1537 AD.Crucifix, carved niche, and candle holders from the 18th-century AD.‘Liberator Pedro Juan Caballero’ by Pablo Alborno (1911 AD).Ceramic mosaic depicting a passion flower, which is the national flower of Paraguay – found on a building wall in Asunción.Walking along Asunción Port, located along the Bay of Asunción, which is connected to the Paraguay River, a river that eventually flows into the Río de la Plata (“River Plate”) and out to the Atlantic Ocean near Buenos Aires.Military monument located at Asunción Port.Façade of the Catedral Metropolitana de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (or simply “Asunción Cathedral”).Interior of the Asunción Cathedral, which has its origins in 1539 AD (just two years after the city was founded); however, much of the current structure dates back to the 19th-century AD.Altarpiece of the Blessed Chiquitunga, Maria Felicia Guggiari Echeverria (1925-1959 AD), who is the first Paraguayan woman on the final stage to sainthood.Altar inside the Asunción Cathedral.Vendor’s table selling yerba mate tea on the sidewalk next to Plaza de los Héroes in Asunción.