Caribbean Sea
On Board the MS Royal Princess: Day Nine
At Sea
[NOTE: I’ve grown weary of writing the usual bullshit narrative; so I’ve decided to dispense with it and present the raw notes I took on my iPhone instead.]
-woke up at noon due to the Captain’s update
-started watching ‘Woman in Gold’, showered and shaved about half way through, had gin, finished film
-watched ‘A Royal Night Out’, took a break and bought a cappuccino to drink during the film
-watched ‘The November Man’
-dinner at Horizon Court: ravioli with meat, string beans, pork scallopini with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese, shrimp, cheddar cheese, cranberry sauce, apple and chicken salad, iced tea
-dessert: Hawaiian coffee coconut cake, chocolate chip cookies, coffee
-watched ‘The Fault in Our Stars’
-watched ‘Beetlejuice’
-went to Club 6 for a couple of Guinness beers, then hung out with Paul Tanner and Steve Morris whilst drinking a few Blood and Sand cocktails, listening to their stories of past gigs, the Beach Boys, a billionaire with an elk ranch, John Candy, Nathan Lane, Louis Anderson, Rodney Dangerfield, etc.
-went to bed after 03:00